Why Refurbished Macs are Better for the Environment
Refurbished Macs may be better for the environment. But the following information aims to look further into this to show you just how important it is to be aware of our footprint on the earth. Many of the older generations say that children live in a ‘throw away’ society. There are so many options available to us. Furthermore, new versions and updates are readily available which means upgrades are always an option.
A lot of marketing aims to home in on this fact. They try to plant the seed that you don’t want to miss out on all of the new technology. But how different can it really be? It is relatively unknown and completely depends on how you use your device. But rest assured we all get to that point where we feel we deserve an upgrade.
Can Refurbished Macs Help control Electronic Waste?
There is a well-publicised and well-known growing electronic waste problem. As more and more technology is available we are purchasing more and replacing more. Think of your home and just how many electronic devices are in there. What happens to all of these when the times comes that they have either broken or need replacing? The sad fact is that a huge amount ends up in landfill or being burned. As you can imagine this has a terrible effect on the environment.
While sadly we will never be in full control of this, there are measures that you can take to assist the process. Apple are making great effort to support the process of using more recycled and renewable materials. Why?
Apple devices need raw materials. Mining of these materials creates carbon emissions and demand on local ecosystems. Buying a refurbished Mac will completely bypass this. Apple have publicised that up to 91% of any devices’ carbon footprint comes from its initial production and transport. Raw materials and other manufactured materials may come from different areas before the items are transported Globally to meet demand.
Here are some interested facts, published by Apple:
- 230 million iPhones, 71 million iPads and 20 million Mac and MacBook units were sold in 2020
- It sold 110 million AirPods and 43 million Apple Watches in 2020
Refurbishing devices helps to make already made products last longer. It goes a long way to tackle overconsumption and allows people a really great alternative to purchasing new. Our skilled and friendly team are on hand to help with any questions you my have when buying refurbished tech. Call today on 01625 415088.